Sing This Beautiful Hymn With Your Little One
Teach a little one you love this beloved hymn of the Christian faith with this beautiful hardcover board book!

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"Be Thou My Vision" Hi-Contrast Hymn Book
In Stock - Ships Next Business Day (Limited Inventory) | Satisfaction Guaranteed | FREE Shipping in US
Engage a little one's eyes and heart with bold shapes and hi-contrast colors while teaching them this beloved hymn of the Christian faith. Your purchase comes with FREE printable coloring pages of the book's illustrations!

Product Reviews
"I so appreciate the great theology in the hymns of the faith, and the Hi-Contrast Hymn Book is a lovely way to share these timeless hymns of the faith with your little ones."
— Marci Ferrell,
"I love your idea of having a way for teach their children the hymns at home to reinforce what they hear on Sundays at church."
— Mary F., pastor's wife
"Yes, yes, and yes! I remember singing through a hymnbook as a kid. There are so many benefits, and as an associate pastor now, I greatly encourage the idea."
— Joshua G., associate pastor
This Baby Book Uses Science To Focus A Little One's Eyes and Heart on Truth and Beauty
Remember when your mother or father used to sing to you as a child?
You'd drift off to sleep hearing their voice in your ears...
I bet you can even remember the very songs they sang to you!
The problem is that in the early weeks after a child is born, it can be DIFFICULT for sleepy, tired parents to remember to do those things.
And as kids get older, life gets busier and busier.
Now imagine an easy way for your grandchildren to grow up singing a beautiful hymn you love...
And encourage your children as they raise their kids in the fear and admonition of the Lord...
And bring a big toothy grin to the face of your beloved little one!That's exactly why my wife and I published the Hi-Contrast Hymn Book: Be Thou My Vision.
Because of its bold shapes and hi-contrast colors... the fact that it will help your grandchildren learn the beautiful hymn "Be Thou My Vision"...
...the Hi-Contrast Hymn Book is a unique, meaningful gift that the special little one(s) in your life will love!
Whether you'd like to pass down the habit of reading and singing to your little one, a grandchild, or a family you care about...
The Hi-Contrast Hymn Book is the perfect book to give as a meaningful gift.
Imagine holding your little one in your lap while they do this...
When you purchase one of these beautiful Be Thou My Vision books, here's everything you'll get:
- 1 copy of Be Thou My Vision: A Hi-Contrast Hymn Book
- FREE Printable coloring pages based on the book
- FREE sing-along video book
- FREE Shipping in US
- 60-day moneyback guarantee
You'll get all this for the low price of just...
There's one other thing you need to know before you buy...
The Hi-Contrast Hymn Book is currently in its first official print run.
This print run is 1000 copies... and nearly 500 have already been claimed!
That means you'll want to secure your copy before they are all taken.
It also means that your copy will be shipped immediately when the first print run arrives to my garage in late November.
Now, we realize that's a longer time to wait than if you were to purchase something from Amazon, so I've added the FREE printable coloring pages and FREE sing-along videobook for you to give to your child or grandchild.
That means you can start enjoying the benefits of the Hi-Contrast Hymn Book right away and whet your child's appetite for when their Hi-Contrast Hymn Book arrives.
OR you can give them altogether as one gift.
These free bonuses will be delivered to your email immediately after your purchase.The bottom line is...
Because the Hi-Contrast Hymn Book uses physiology to teach children this beautiful hymn of the Christian faith, you'll show the parents and children in your life how much you love them and want to see them THRIVE when you give them a copy.
Don't delay, though!
With nearly 500 out of 1000 books already claimed, you may not have another chance before Christmas to get your copy.
Just click the orange "Add to Cart" button above to claim your copy today.
Every Hi-Contrast Hymn Book comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
If you have ANY questions please contact us at
We read and respond to every message personally.
Happy Singing,
Konrad & Ashley Holden
Creators of the Hi-Contrast Hymn BookP.S. — Your order comes with free shipping in the US. The discount is applied the moment you enter your shipping information.
Thanks so much for encouraging the next generation in the faith!
There's Nothing Sweeter Than Hearing Little Voices Sing to Jesus
- Teach your child the timeless hymns of the Christian faith
- Captivate your newborn's developing eyes with the high contrast images
- "Catch" your little one singing this beautiful hymn on their own
- Make singing together a special moment with your little one
- Develop your child's love of books
- Make singing an easy part of your child's bedtime routine
- Gift a meaningful gift to a new or expecting mother
- Plant seeds of the gospel in your little one's heart
Look At The Beautiful Pages!